Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Who would have thought that we could make such a cute kid.

Daddy feeding Nehemiah, when we still lived in Atascadeo

Nehemiah in his cool new hat from The Gap

Friday, March 24, 2006

Grandma Ripple came to visit today!

Help me! Im laying on a pink blanket!!!

Hannah loving on Nehemiah we are always telling her: "Be gentle"

Nehemiah and his Poppa on Thanksgiving day.

Uncle Josh, Babies don't belong on top of the refrigerator.

Tummy time with Mommy.

Just the two of us, we can make it if we try...

Nehemiah and his cousin Hannah getting ready for bath time.

Nehemiah with his two favorite toys.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Look at how talented our son is! He only did this for a week and it cracked me up every time.

Our first week of living with Nana, Nehemiah started lifting his head up and enjoys sleeping in mommy's bed

Nana's visit to Atascadero a few days after Christmas

Nehemiah's first trip to Riverside at 4 weeks old

First trip to the Cal Poly Dairy

Nehemiah napping in Mommy's bed

Nehemiahs new favorite toy

Josiah kissing Nehemiah

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Nehemiah's 4month Doctor visit to SLO

A day at the Cheatenauers

Best Buddies, always have been, always will be!

Nehemiah At 4 days old