Friday, June 30, 2006

Whats wrong with me??

Well i made it back from SLO, it was a good trip i enjoyed all parts of it, yet at the same time it felt difficult to be there, It's hard for me to see everyone living their life the same, when part of mine is at a standstill and will be until my husband comes home. Please dont get me wrong i dont expect people to live their live differently nor do i want you to, i just hope i can show you where i am at. I have become a quiet reserved person(even more so then before) not really willing to let even those close around me (my family) know what im thinking. I cry often, not because i fear for my husbands safety, but because i miss my best friend.
I struggle with feelings that i dont have a home anymore, where do i belong? SLO is beginning to feel like a place i just visit.
My dreams have become simple, i just want to be with my husband.
Please dont think that i love you, my friends, any less, because i dont but i am struggleing with the feelings that go with not seeing your husband for 3 months and still having 9 or so more months to get through. I knew this was going to be hard and i cant imagine what i would do without the strength that God gives me, Even through this i know that i am so very blessed.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

IT'S HERE!! IT'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!

After a rough few days (a really horrible day yesterday) and a bad night last night, it finally arrived... HIS FIRST TOOTH!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Julie and Brent's Wedding!!!!

This weekend was a wedding long in the making! Julie and Brent were engaged two months before Casey and I were! Julie was in the process of getting a teaching credential when she got in a car accident, which left her in a coma for weeks and then rehabilitating for years. So to see her walk down the aisle was just a testimony to Gods grace.

More Pictures

Waiting for the wedding ....

Pictures from our visit with Jess and Josiah

Friday, June 16, 2006


Happy 1st Father's Day Casey! We love you and miss you like Crazy. You have no idea what an amazing father you are.

How cool is that!!!!

I dont have a picture of what im about to tell you but i will try and get one...i promise. Today for the first time Nehemiah pulled himself to a standing position from sitting. So i guess that means the crib rail has to start going up and soon the mattress has to go down. And maybe someday i will be able to write that he got his 1st tooth, IM WAITING!!! Tomorrow we are going to the long awaited wedding of Julie and Brent. Then we are stopping in solvang on sunday and then heading home to celebrate Fathers day!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Nehemiah...Catching up on Martha Stewart Living

Ohhh How I Love OATMEAL

Nice Hair DUDE!!!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Our trip to a water park

So what do you think of Nehemiahs really cool swim diaper with Finding Nemo on it and his rad rash guard from Old Navy. This kid loves the water. Before we went out Nehemiah got covered in sunscreen ( im a little over protective since Casey has had skin cancers removed) anyway i didnt think about me at all and last night after we ate dinner i was trying to figure out why my back was itchy...

Thursday, June 08, 2006

One saturday morning

Nehemiah wanted to play with Nana one morning so he knocked on her door to wake her up.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Can you belive the nerves of this guy????

Well today was my first actual visit to the gym, and i met with this trainer named Bob. He told me that his job was to make a plan to tone my body and mine was to do 4-5 hrs of cardio a week and my diet. This is what he told me:

For the next 6-8 weeks
no red meat
no whole milk (to drink milk any other way is an insult to the cow)
no sugar
no white flour
no soda (I couldnt even give up soda when i was pregnant)
no bananas
no grapes
no mangos
no corn (What! NO popcorn, but thats like my favorite food, besides tacos)

I can have chicken, turkey and fish (i dont like fish), whole grains, and all of the fruits and veggies i want.

Besides having my heart broken with the loss of food in my life he then made me do this ab workout that made me look like a wimp.
ok so why am i doing this again??

I love cheese quesadillas from del taco and i just got hooked on the blended creams at Starbucks. Can I really survive without cherry coke or cherry vanilla Dr. pepper?

I have been thinking in my head about going on a diet where i eat only what im willing to feed Nehemiah, but gosh even he gets to eat bananas. Just think i only have 5 weeks and 6 days to go.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Whats new...

I was going to post a new pic but the Camera is dead. So what can i tell you? Hmmm lets see...

- saturday is my birthday
- tomorrow is the 1 yr anniversary of me rolling my last SUV
- my mom got a new car, a jeep laredo. Its way cool compared to the chevy van!
- Nehemiah has been eating solids for about a month now and these are the foods he has had so far....rice cereal (perfers to eat it made with diluted juice not formula), bananas, applesauce, mashed potatoes (w/o gravy of course), peaches, and gerber fruit puffs (banana flavor) and then he drinks water and sometimes diluted juice out of one of his sippy cups. With that being said i have not bought one jar of baby food yet.

Once we get our food processor we are going to try oatmeal and carrots.

ok enough babbling i must get to bed in order to greet my little man in the morning. Good night those in blogger land